Well said; I feel it too. When we’re constantly assaulted with the negative barrage we are all facing, it’s inevitable that it will affect us, however we might resist or try to ignore it.
And as you consistently demonstrate, one very effective way to overcome this burnout is for each of us to regularly switch from being a “consumer” to being a “producer”.
Make more time to create — whatever it is you love — instead of always consuming and taking-in.
When we write/paint/photograph/knit/cook/design we enter a very different mode of being, where the negative influences of the outside world have little sway.
Sure, it can be difficult to find time for creation in our busy lives, but it’s more important than ever. And there are unlimited ways to be creative, many of which can also lead to creating tangible, positive change in the world.
Thanks for being a creator, Umair.